Plastics in the Ocean

Plastics in the Ocean


Marine plastic waste is arguably one of the most formidable ecological threats in our time. According to data,millions of tons of plastics are disposed in the oceans every year and thus pose a threat not only to marine life and ecosystem but also to human beings. It ranges from a macro scale of large evident plastic items such as plastic bottles and bags to smaller and microscopic microplastic parts. This means that the United States and Pakistan,like others,both create the problem and fall prey to it. And if today we take constructive action in earnest,then we might begin to turn around this very growing threat against us.

With the right awareness,policies,and everyday choices,we can reduce the impact of ocean plastic pollution. First,however,let's dive deeper to understand the scale, causes, and consequences of plastic pollution in the oceans and how we can all play a role in solving it.

Causes of Plastic Waste in the Ocean

Direct Causes

  • Littering on beaches and coastal areas: While people go to the beach for recreational activities, the plastic waste, such as bags or bottles, can easily get washed into the sea.
  • Lost fishing gear: Fishing nets, ropes, and other fishing equipment tend to get lost or thrown away in the ocean. These contribute to what's termed "ghost gear" pollution.
  • Shipping and maritime industry waste:Cargo ships,cruises,and other vessels dump waste and lose cargo sometimes,thereby increasing ocean plastic pollution.

Indirect Causes

  • Urban Runoff and Storm Drains:Plastic waste from the cities travels through rivers and storm drains to end up in the ocean.
  • Rivers Carrying Inland Wastes:Massive river systems,such as the Indus in Pakistan and Mississippi in the U.S. carry plastic from inland to the sea.
  • Poor Waste Management:Third World countries are unlikely to have proper recycling infrastructure set in place. Plastic waste is therefore found piling up in landfills,rivers,and the sea.

How Much Plastic in the Ocean?

Estimated at around 150 million tons floating in the ocean today and still increasing,alarming findings indicate that scientists estimate between 8-12 million tons of plastic waste enter the ocean each year. That is one garbage truck filled with plastic being dumped into the ocean every minute.

Plastic in the Ocean Will Increase by 2024 If Meaningful Action Is Not Taken:Plastic will outweigh fish in the ocean if no action is taken by 2050. From big floating garbage patches to tiny microplastics buried deep within the sea floor,plastic touches every corner of the marine ecosystem.

Country Reports on Ocean Plastic Pollution

Some countries contribute much to ocean plastic pollution based mainly on their population,their consumers' buying habits, as well as waste disposal facilities.

  • China: This country emerges as the largest contributor, accounting for over 28% of the overall solid waste materials entering oceans across the world.
  • United States: As a second in line, even though recycling systems are established better than some developing countries, they share about 5% towards contributing to ocean marine plastic wastage by their increased consumptions of plastic single-use materials.
  • Pakistan: Adds up to 3-4% to ocean plastic pollution, primarily due to poor waste management practices along river systems such as the Indus.
  • Indonesia and India: Also on the list of major contributors, responsible for a significant percentage of plastic pollution in the seas.

Why Is Plastic Bad for Marine Life?

Plastic waste in the ocean is a significant threat to marine animals and their ecosystems. Let's understand why plastic pollution is such a severe threat to marine life.

Plastic Ingestion by Sea Creatures

Most sea creatures feed on plastic,thinking that it is food. Some sea turtles mistake plastic bags as jellyfish and eat them. Fish and birds swallow small fragments of plastics as food. As a consequence:

  • Internal injuries
  • Starvation (since their stomachs get filled with plastics and cannot have room for real food)
  • Toxicity Build-up (chemicals in the plastic are absorbed in their bodies)

Getting Trapped by Plastic Wastes

Plastic nets,ropes,and other wastes get entangled in marine animals,resulting in:

  • Cuts and infections.
  • Restriction of their movement or drowning by dolphins and seals.

Damage to Marine Ecosystems

Plastics can cause damage to coral reefs,which are very important ecosystems for marine biodiversity. Plastic placed on the reef surface covers sunlight and hinders the growth process in corals.

Effect of Plastic in the Ocean

These are the effects of plastic pollution to the oceans,which include animals but extend to all earth and humans.

Health Risks to Humans

The consumption of microplastics by marine animals allows their entry into the food chain. Humans consuming seafood eat microplastics,thus indirectly. This leads to the following health problems:

  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Digestive problems
  • Possible cancer and neurological conditions

Economic Losses

Tourism:The beaches are not attractive due to pollution,hence no tourist goes to the coastal regions.

Fishing Industry:The depleted fish stocks caused by plastic pollution affect livelihoods and food security,especially in areas that depend on fishing.

Environmental Damage

Plastic waste also causes the degradation of marine biodiversity,disturbing ecosystems crucial to the regulation of our planet's climate and oxygen levels.

How Much Plastic is in the Ocean in 2024?

As of 2024, scientists estimate that around 200 million tons of plastic litter the world's oceans,with most of it represented by microplastics. The production of plastic waste is increasing,and the gap between production and recycling is enormous and not slowing down. And without drastic action,we will continue to see more plastic accumulate at alarming levels.

What Can We Do to Reduce Plastic Waste in the Ocean?

Everyone has something to do about plastic being introduced into the ocean. Here are a few actionable ways to prevent the introduction of plastic into the ocean.

Individual Actions

  • Use Reusable Products:Replace plastic bags and bottles with reusable ones.
  • Reduce use of single-use plastics:Refrain from using plastic straws,cutlery,or packaging materials.
  • Join beach clean-up activities:Assist in removing the plastic waste into the ocean by joining beach cleaning activities.

Government and Community Involvement

Encourage a ban on or limited use of single-use plastics.

Fight for more recycling systems in the US and Pakistan.

Top Eco-Friendly Products to Reduce Plastic Use

  • Replace plastic toothbrushes with bamboo.
  • Use stainless steel or silicone straws instead of plastic ones.
  • Choose biodegradable packaging for groceries.

Zero-Waste Lifestyle

Start with minimal changes by switching to a zero-waste lifestyle. This means:

  • Composting food waste
  • Repairing instead of discarding
  • Donating items instead of tossing them


The threat of plastic pollution in our oceans is an urgent global issue that demands immediate action. From individuals to governments,every effort counts. By adopting sustainable practices,advocating for better waste management,and supporting legislation aimed at reducing plastic waste,we can collectively protect our oceans for future generations.

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